Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can you turn a booty call into a boyfriend?

A booty call is someone you invite over, or who invites you over, (usually late at night) for the sole purpose of having sex.
The initial thought of the person making the call is no-strings fun, very casual, and basically assumes that both parties are mature enough to accept the ‘date’ for what it is.

For most women, the fact that the guy is willing to come over just for the purpose of using and being used is not a good indication of relationship material.
If you’re making a true booty call you usually don’t know the person much beyond their ability in bed  and having sexual prowess does not always equal relationship ability.

Start by taking the 'booty' out of the call
However, there have been instances where going from being or making the booty call to being the significant other has worked out. Sometimes it’s difficult not to develop feelings for someone you’re so intimate with. In this case, you are going to need a lot of patience.
The first step is going to be very gently bringing up the subject of you and the rodeo stud as a couple. You must be prepared todo this in very tiny steps  which may involve a series of booty calls in which the booty gets pushed back by conversation a bit more each time.

Don’t rush into this too fast. You really need to get a feel for how he feels about you. Once you’ve determined that there is actual interest in more than just your girly-bits, you’ll have to move onto the hardest stage of all. You have to stop being the booty call altogether.

He needs to stop seeing you as just a playmate
Men tend to have two compartments in their brains: one for sex and one for relationships (and the two don’t always talk to each other).
You now have to get your plaything to see you as a real woman with emotions and feelings, and not just a play mate. You will have to stop taking his calls late at night and make yourself unavailable during that time period.

Make yourself available for real dates
However, you do want to be available during ‘decent’ hours for conversations, lunch, dinner, and even movie dates. You just want to take the naked fun off the plate for the time being.
You may even have to be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to walk away from the guy completely.
In quite a few cases, women have found that absence really does make the heart grow fonder. It seems that just when these women had given up on their previous booty call pal and were ready to move on, that was when the relationship actually formed.

Know when to call it a day
Remember that most people who make and answer booty calls aren’t usually looking for a relationship, which means they may opt out once you bring up this possibility.
If a guy loses interest once you take sex off the table, he was probably never interested in you as a person anyway, and in this case, the best course of action on your part is just to let him go.

Can you turn a booty call into a boyfriend?


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