Men are not always too comfortable revealing their true feelings and it can be difficult to figure out how a man really feels about you. Luckily, there are signals that can make deciphering his behaviour a little easier.
Men … not the easiest creatures to read.
As a woman, you no doubt know that men are not always too comfortable revealing their true feelings and it can be difficult to figure out how a man really feels about you.
Luckily, there are signals that can make deciphering his behaviour a little easier.
If your man talks about his future and includes the words 'us' and 'we', it’s a good sign
Many men do whatever they can to avoid questions regarding where a relationship is headed. If he shares his plans for the future and they involve you, he is thinking ahead and he is probably hoping you’ll be the one beside him.
Does the man in your life love spending time with you?
A man in love will find any reason he can to spend time with you. He will want to be with you as much as possible, even if you are doing something totally mundane. Not only will he want to be with you all the time, he will want to be in contact with you as much as possible too.
So if he’s crazy about you, expect a lot of emails, text messages and telephone calls, be it to get your opinion on something, to see if you are okay or just to tell you he misses you.
Does your man tell you he’ll take you to dinner then call later and tell you he’s too tired to go or has made plans with his mates?
If a man is reliable and follows through on plans or promises, he really cares about you. When it comes to you, he is never too busy. A man who is serious about you will do what he promises despite how tired he is.
A man in love is interested in your life and in what matters to you
He wants to make your life better for you in any way he can. He loves talking to you and is always willing to listen to you. He consults with you first before making a decision.
If a man appears to be self possessed and you often get the feeling he does not care, then you’re probably right.
Does he remember special dates, like your birthday and anniversary?
Most men are not too good at remembering dates but he will make an effort to remember dates that are important to you.
Is your man considerate of your feelings, needs and wants?
Does he do or say things that show that he’s listening to you and is really paying attention to what you like or dislike? A man who buys poppy seed muffins for you when you’re allergic to poppy seeds is either very forgetful or he’s probably not the man of your dreams.
A man in love will want to hold your hand or kiss you
Some men are not too keen on public displays of affection but you will notice him reaching for your hand more and more often. He will also show concern for your wellbeing and he will pamper you if you give him the chance.
Most importantly, your man will respect you
He allows you to express yourself and be who you really are, he does not talk down to you or humiliate you in front of people and he accepts you just the way you are.
Luckily, there are signals that can make deciphering his behaviour a little easier.
If your man talks about his future and includes the words 'us' and 'we', it’s a good sign
Many men do whatever they can to avoid questions regarding where a relationship is headed. If he shares his plans for the future and they involve you, he is thinking ahead and he is probably hoping you’ll be the one beside him.
Does the man in your life love spending time with you?
A man in love will find any reason he can to spend time with you. He will want to be with you as much as possible, even if you are doing something totally mundane. Not only will he want to be with you all the time, he will want to be in contact with you as much as possible too.
So if he’s crazy about you, expect a lot of emails, text messages and telephone calls, be it to get your opinion on something, to see if you are okay or just to tell you he misses you.
Does your man tell you he’ll take you to dinner then call later and tell you he’s too tired to go or has made plans with his mates?
If a man is reliable and follows through on plans or promises, he really cares about you. When it comes to you, he is never too busy. A man who is serious about you will do what he promises despite how tired he is.
A man in love is interested in your life and in what matters to you
He wants to make your life better for you in any way he can. He loves talking to you and is always willing to listen to you. He consults with you first before making a decision.
If a man appears to be self possessed and you often get the feeling he does not care, then you’re probably right.
Does he remember special dates, like your birthday and anniversary?
Most men are not too good at remembering dates but he will make an effort to remember dates that are important to you.
Is your man considerate of your feelings, needs and wants?
Does he do or say things that show that he’s listening to you and is really paying attention to what you like or dislike? A man who buys poppy seed muffins for you when you’re allergic to poppy seeds is either very forgetful or he’s probably not the man of your dreams.
A man in love will want to hold your hand or kiss you
Some men are not too keen on public displays of affection but you will notice him reaching for your hand more and more often. He will also show concern for your wellbeing and he will pamper you if you give him the chance.
Most importantly, your man will respect you
He allows you to express yourself and be who you really are, he does not talk down to you or humiliate you in front of people and he accepts you just the way you are.

When a man is in love, he will listen, make an effort and show you his feelings. Your man’s behaviour is the real indicator to his feelings. Actions, as they say, speak louder than words and they also take more effort, thought and planning.
And finally, as tempting as it may be, do not lie to yourself and think your man will fall in love eventually
A lot of women waste time wishing things would be a certain way what they very clearly are not. If you are in a relationship that is not going anywhere, then move on!
You will never find Mr Right if you spend all your time waiting for Mr Wrong to change.
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