Women get so caught up with everyday demands - from our jobs, to the kids, to household chores, to the bills and what’s for dinner – that we actually forget to relax and have fun!
Be spontaneous
As a relationship gets more serious and longer down the line, we tend to lose our spontaneity and overlook the fun things that brought us and our partner together. We need to make an effort to slow down, and keep up that sex appeal so that the spark doesn’t fade.
Skip the make-up
We also get caught up with fashion, product and general body image, and most of us are almost conditioned into wanting to, and having to, look good all the time.
Any man will tell you that there’s nothing nicer than looking at a well groomed woman who makes an effort with her appearance, but there’s another side to a woman that he appreciates; a side that’s relaxed about skipping the beauty routine for the day, to take time out with him, without all the dolling up.
Do things together
Stay in bed with him all day, or stay in your PJs and mess around the house – get wet and dirty washing the cars with him, paint the fence, or get drunk together around a braai for lunch.
Revamp the sex
Think about how much sex you had in the early stages of your relationship, and put things aside at nights to rekindle that. The more stuff you think you need to do in the evenings, and the later you get to bed, the more you won’t feel like it. Make time too to relax and chat, without the TV!
Let your hair down
Let him see a side to you that can rough it for a weekend (even if you need to remind him it’ll be an occasional thing). Go camping, go fishing, go hiking – without the make-up and stylish outfits.
Have fun with your man. Learn to relax. It’s good for your relationship, and your health.
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