Sunday, March 6, 2011

6 Signs of True Love

Love is a wonderful feeling but being truly in love is the most amazing feeling ever. A lot of books tells us that you’ll know it’s true love when your heart beats fast whenever that special someone is near, you can’t eat nor sleep, and when you gaze into his or her eyes you’ll see fireworks. Very romantic indeed, but was it enough to say that these were the signs of true love? In romance novels yes we could say that, but in real life it’s much deeper than that.
You’ll know it’s true love when:
1. You have this willingness to talk about and explain being exclusive
If you feel that this particular someone is the person you want to get serious with then, you’ll be willing to explain to this person why you don’t want to date others. With this, you give him or her honesty and loyalty that you are serious with your feelings and intentions, and that you would only want to spend your time with him or her. This is being fair to your special someone if he or she feels the same way as you do and doesn’t want to date anyone else other than you.
2. You don’t want to play any type of games and would get serious with the relationship
You would be willing to honestly say that you got rid of your “little black book;” that none of your acquaintance holds a candle to your beloved. You would honestly and seriously commit yourself to the relationship.
3. You are willing to go somewhere or do something you hate with someone that you actually love
Your special someone becomes more important than the thing you hate to do or the place you hate to go to. You do these things not because you have to but because you want to.
4. You are willing to spend if you are frugal or to save if you are spend-thrift
You are willing to try and experiment on things that you don’t usually do especially with money. You have this willingness to examine fundamental beliefs as a direct result of valuing another person and his or her perspective and opinion.
5. Doing nothing with your special someone doesn’t bore you
Doing nothing together sounds terrific for you. Spending and wasting time in the park, lying down on the grass and watching the clouds pass by for hours makes you feel happy just as long as you are with your special someone.
6. You are willing to risk being yourself
You show to your special someone who you really are, no mask, nor pretentions. Sometimes it’s scary to show things about yourself to a special someone because you’ll never know what might just turn them off, but if you are truly in love you would risk showing the real you because you would want to be loved for who you are, not for who you’re not.
If you find yourself doing things what you don’t usually do for a special someone then, you might just be truly in love with that person.


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