Want to know what he’s thinking? Watch his body language.
Some men can be very difficult to read
Many men are trained from an early age to hide their emotions, since expressing feelings is a very un-macho thing to do. Therefore, we are often left trying to decipher what a guy may or not be feeling from his body language.
It can be a tricky proposition, but if you know certain signs to look for, you might be able to work out what he is thinking.
Always start with the eyes
Eyes are the window to the soul and we can certainly give away a lot about what we’re feeling with our eyes. Even the slightest raising of the eyebrows can be an indication of interest. He’s opening his eyes wider, showing that he wants to know more about you.
It’s when his eyes remain steady or his brows droop that you have to watch out; that’s a sign of boredom.
There are other ways that a guy can let you know his interest has been piqued; some of them not even conscious
Often we react without even realising that we’re doing it. Men are no exception to this rule. If he sits with certain body parts, such as the legs, feet or eyes, pointing towards you that means he is interested in you.
If they point away, he may already be contemplating finding the exit!
Like the males of most species, men will automatically try to make themselves look more attractive to a female in order to draw her in.
If he’s straightening his tie, brushing at his lapel or fixing his hair, it is a sign of 'preening'. He’s making himself look more attractive because he likes you and wants to make sure that the feeling is mutual.
Stance can be equally telling
A man who is standing erect with his hands on his hips or at his sides and his chest out is showing you that he’s confident and interested and that he welcomes attention. A man who closes up by crossing his arms over his chest or sticking his hands in his pockets probably lacks self confidence or may just lack interest.
Lack of eye contact, mumbling, extraneous body movements and similar gestures are signs that he is either uncomfortable or disinterested.
If he is sending these kinds of signals, you should probably consider moving on and not wasting your time.
Positive male body language
On the other hand, positive body language can show you that you’ve got the green light for a potential relationship.
Touching the small of your back, leaning toward you while talking, 'accidental' touching or hooking his thumbs into his belt are all signs that he is interested and is trying to make a good impression on you and you can go from there.
The main thing to remember is that men rarely express their feelings overtly
The signs are usually very subtle and sometimes even unconscious, which makes them that much harder to read. But if you pay close attention and look for the most common signals, you should be able to gauge whether your evening is going in the right direction or not.
If you want to know how he feels, just pay attention and listen to what his body is telling you!
Great job! I really enjoyed it, your voice was loud and clear and you were talking to us casually refraining from the usual formality we are often used to see during presentations which makes the whole thing boring. You kept us interested to know more and honestly I learned a lot and used the new information in my final exam! So thank you again!
oh WOW what a lovely comment, thank you so much, glad it helped a little.
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