Thursday, March 10, 2011

Men Don't Like Decoding

Did you recently have a crush on the boy sitting next to you in office? All you got to do is ping him with an sms 'Hey, I liked the shirt you wore today' or some thing like 'Can we be friends'. Sorry, if this sounds like a crack course on flirting, for thats not what the intention is.

According to researchers at Bucknell university, men have a tough time figuring out hints, even if they are accompanied by flirty body language. Apologies, to all the men reading this. But that's how it is. The comprehensiveness to untwine twisted conversation in you looks almost null. You guys live with this syndrome of straight talks. According to The Daily Mail, sober lines like 'Fancy dinner?' or 'Can I give you my number?' avoid confusion and guarantee success when landing a man. 

To reach the conclusion, scientists asked a group of women for their top chat-up lines. They took the 50 most common answers and asked 70 men and women how well they thought they would work. Not surprisingly, men that boast to have an exceptional mind at all times found a direct approach, such as invitation to dinner and cinema, the most appealing. Exchanges of the phone numbers scored next best with them. The only indirect approaches seen in them were 'Do you have plans later?' and 'What are you up to tonight?' However, this must ease out the adrenaline rush in you, women, too, were found with the direct approaches, but comparatively much lesser then the men. Humorous lines, such as 'Your shirt matches my bedspread', fared poorly, the study found.

"The direct indication of a possible date as well as the hint of a possible date gives the man a clear signal instead of sending mixed non-verbal signals that the man must decipher," The Couriermail quoted psychologist, Dr Joel Wade, as saying.


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