This is for all those in love. This is for all those out of love. This is for those who abused love. This is for those who never understood love.
All of us, at some point in our lives, have fallen in love. Some worked their way through and made beautiful things happen. Some loved with all their heart, but lost. Some used and misused someone's love for them and some had it all but never understood. Different faces of the same emotion. Love is one big beautiful gift of God. They have their shades and attachments.
Why is it that after we lose, we realize the worth of an object or a person? You have someone who loves you, cares for you but somehow you never see this side of him/her. You have someone whose world revolves around you, but somehow it does not make sense to you. You have someone who is happy seeing you happy, but somehow you have no eyes for him/her. One morning you wake up and find a gaping hole in your life. What might have happened? Nothing much actually, its just that you lost love. Perhaps forever!
Love has always known patience, perseverance, sacrifice and the joy of giving. When used and abused time and again, Love knows that it is not welcomed and when realization dawns and it knows that it has no regard of the people around, it knows it can't survive. When it knows it can't survive, it decides to leave. When it decides to leave, it really does. When it does, you lose it and you lose it forever.
Love has never known condition. When you love, you love unconditionally. Very often we hear couples say, "if you love me, do this. If you love me do that. If you love me, prove that you do. If you love me call me every hour." Well, is this love or commerce? Himalayan Master and Spiritual Guru, Bharat Thakur, in one of his workshops said, " As friends you make no demands, then why when in a relationship, you have demands and conditions?"
Take this situation: You have an awful day at work. From the car that cut you at traffic, to your bad board meeting at work, your day is a perfect example of 'awful.' End of the day, you leave in a foul mood, frustrated, agitated and all the adjectives added. Reach home only to be greeted with a smile and a warm hug. All your frustration vanishes. Looks like you didn't have a bad day after all. A love filled evening drowns all your sadness like it never happened.
Now take this situation: You have a fantastic day. Your project is approved, you have a promotion and your boss gives you a pat on the back. Life could not be better. You reach home to share your achievements and you have a fallen face that greets you. You walk into a loveless home. All the accumulated joy of the day, seems lost. You are saddened and depressed. There is nothing to look forward to.
See the complete turnaround in the above two situations? The first situation is definitely ideal. But what happens in situation 2? Life goes on, pulls on after a while, then drags on, then it falls, then it drowns. A loveless life cannot carry on for long. However hard you may try, you cannot go on in a loveless relationship. There will come a time when the person starving of love, will wake up and move on. When this happens invariably the other partner is woken from a long slumber.
Wide-awake now you realize what and how much you have lost in your own insensitiveness. Now desperately you want your partner back. So what do you do? All that you have not done in these years. From your closet now pours out gallons of love and more gallons of tears. From a pin to a plane you try it all. Desperation sets in. Your sole aim in life is to have him/her back, for all reasons under the sun. You try, hard and harder. You want to be forgiven and seek it. You cling on, like you cling on to life. Had you been a little more sensitive, this would have seemed like a bad dream. But now, it is reality.
Value everything in life. Today you have it, tomorrow you may never see the face of it. Value and cherish relationships. You are lucky to have love. Ask those who have never been loved or those who have loved and lost. Love is a beautiful gift of God, if you hurt and abuse love, you lose God's most precious gifts, ever bestowed on mankind.
Love has never known manipulation, its pure and calm. It is for this reason that when love is hurt, nature takes on to protect. Very few of us realize that once love is lost it is lost forever. Out of desperation you might have the person back in your life. But little do you realize that you have him/her back for all the wrong reasons and this will never last. "I want him/her back." "Nobody can love me the way he/she does." " I will love him/her now." "I love him/her like crazy." "I need him/her." For once have you thought what he/she wants? For once have you thought how he/she feels? Everywhere there is an 'I..' " I want.., I need..., I love..." Love thrives on 'we.' When you came together in love, there was no "I" there always was a 'we.' See how much you have changed ever since. For you love today is a matter of possession. Someone once told, "In love you never possess, only protect."
All said and done, you might have your lost partner back, but do you think, it will last? Will it withstand the test of time? Once love drifts away, it can never be gathered. Has anyone been able to gather spilt milk? Has anyone been able to gather a broken egg? So do you think that once love is lost, it will come back?
You had it all and you lost it all. Now you want it all. Is it fair?
Let the breeze flow, let the wind blow. Learn to let go. Letting go is very difficult. That which has always possessed can perhaps never do it. But, if you succeed in doing so, your lost love somewhere will regard your gesture as goodwill. You will have then put him/her first and your own self, second. Holding on and pushing will only hurt you and the other person all the more. Let go, perhaps this is the best gift you can offer after all that pain and bruise.
All of us, at some point in our lives, have fallen in love. Some worked their way through and made beautiful things happen. Some loved with all their heart, but lost. Some used and misused someone's love for them and some had it all but never understood. Different faces of the same emotion. Love is one big beautiful gift of God. They have their shades and attachments.
Why is it that after we lose, we realize the worth of an object or a person? You have someone who loves you, cares for you but somehow you never see this side of him/her. You have someone whose world revolves around you, but somehow it does not make sense to you. You have someone who is happy seeing you happy, but somehow you have no eyes for him/her. One morning you wake up and find a gaping hole in your life. What might have happened? Nothing much actually, its just that you lost love. Perhaps forever!
Love has always known patience, perseverance, sacrifice and the joy of giving. When used and abused time and again, Love knows that it is not welcomed and when realization dawns and it knows that it has no regard of the people around, it knows it can't survive. When it knows it can't survive, it decides to leave. When it decides to leave, it really does. When it does, you lose it and you lose it forever.
Love has never known condition. When you love, you love unconditionally. Very often we hear couples say, "if you love me, do this. If you love me do that. If you love me, prove that you do. If you love me call me every hour." Well, is this love or commerce? Himalayan Master and Spiritual Guru, Bharat Thakur, in one of his workshops said, " As friends you make no demands, then why when in a relationship, you have demands and conditions?"
Take this situation: You have an awful day at work. From the car that cut you at traffic, to your bad board meeting at work, your day is a perfect example of 'awful.' End of the day, you leave in a foul mood, frustrated, agitated and all the adjectives added. Reach home only to be greeted with a smile and a warm hug. All your frustration vanishes. Looks like you didn't have a bad day after all. A love filled evening drowns all your sadness like it never happened.
Now take this situation: You have a fantastic day. Your project is approved, you have a promotion and your boss gives you a pat on the back. Life could not be better. You reach home to share your achievements and you have a fallen face that greets you. You walk into a loveless home. All the accumulated joy of the day, seems lost. You are saddened and depressed. There is nothing to look forward to.
See the complete turnaround in the above two situations? The first situation is definitely ideal. But what happens in situation 2? Life goes on, pulls on after a while, then drags on, then it falls, then it drowns. A loveless life cannot carry on for long. However hard you may try, you cannot go on in a loveless relationship. There will come a time when the person starving of love, will wake up and move on. When this happens invariably the other partner is woken from a long slumber.
Wide-awake now you realize what and how much you have lost in your own insensitiveness. Now desperately you want your partner back. So what do you do? All that you have not done in these years. From your closet now pours out gallons of love and more gallons of tears. From a pin to a plane you try it all. Desperation sets in. Your sole aim in life is to have him/her back, for all reasons under the sun. You try, hard and harder. You want to be forgiven and seek it. You cling on, like you cling on to life. Had you been a little more sensitive, this would have seemed like a bad dream. But now, it is reality.
Value everything in life. Today you have it, tomorrow you may never see the face of it. Value and cherish relationships. You are lucky to have love. Ask those who have never been loved or those who have loved and lost. Love is a beautiful gift of God, if you hurt and abuse love, you lose God's most precious gifts, ever bestowed on mankind.
Love has never known manipulation, its pure and calm. It is for this reason that when love is hurt, nature takes on to protect. Very few of us realize that once love is lost it is lost forever. Out of desperation you might have the person back in your life. But little do you realize that you have him/her back for all the wrong reasons and this will never last. "I want him/her back." "Nobody can love me the way he/she does." " I will love him/her now." "I love him/her like crazy." "I need him/her." For once have you thought what he/she wants? For once have you thought how he/she feels? Everywhere there is an 'I..' " I want.., I need..., I love..." Love thrives on 'we.' When you came together in love, there was no "I" there always was a 'we.' See how much you have changed ever since. For you love today is a matter of possession. Someone once told, "In love you never possess, only protect."
All said and done, you might have your lost partner back, but do you think, it will last? Will it withstand the test of time? Once love drifts away, it can never be gathered. Has anyone been able to gather spilt milk? Has anyone been able to gather a broken egg? So do you think that once love is lost, it will come back?
You had it all and you lost it all. Now you want it all. Is it fair?
Let the breeze flow, let the wind blow. Learn to let go. Letting go is very difficult. That which has always possessed can perhaps never do it. But, if you succeed in doing so, your lost love somewhere will regard your gesture as goodwill. You will have then put him/her first and your own self, second. Holding on and pushing will only hurt you and the other person all the more. Let go, perhaps this is the best gift you can offer after all that pain and bruise.
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