Sunday, April 3, 2011

What women want... from their husbands

We expect a lot from our spouses: a shoulder to lean on, taking care of various things, and a true partner. But are there certain, more specific things that women really want from their husbands? Definitely!
Don't be sparing with your "I love yous"
One of the primary things a woman wants from her husband requires nearly no effort on his part.
Women want to be told they are loved and not just occasionally … every single day.
Studies have indicated that relationships where the words are actually said every day are stronger than those where "I love you" is said less frequently.
Be understanding and forgiving
Understanding and forgiveness are also high on the list. Everyone makes mistakes, so it’s imperative that we all learn how to get over these.
Women often feel the desire to make things as perfect as possible for their husbands and families, and will worry and fret over insignificant details, like when dinner gets burned or isn’t ready exactly on time.
A husband’s reaction to these times is essential to helping lay the foundation for handling larger problems.
Sharing and communication

Women are, by nature, sharing creatures. They like to share life stories, experiences, and emotions with their friends, families, and especially their husbands - and they also want others to share these same things with them.
It’s very upsetting when you feel someone isn’t listening or willing to share in return. This is the vital factor of communication in a marriage, and is one of the top reasons marriages break up.

Communication between a husband and wife shouldn’t just revolve around the kids or work (that’s usually a sign that the marriage is in trouble). There should be talk of the future, the past, hopes, dreams, disappointments, pretty much everything and anything.
Sharing responsibilities
Sharing responsibilities is another important aspect women want from their husbands. It’s also one of the most common causes for martial spats. Taking care of the house and children should not fall solely on the shoulders of the wife.
Everyone who lives in a household - including the kids - should help out (without being asked, told, or nagged).
Give her some time off
Something small that husbands can do for their wives is to build in some time for her to have some time off from work. This doesn’t just mean having weekends where she doesn’t have to go to the office, it includes days where she doesn’t have to take care of the kids or the house.
In many households men work one job where they leave the house for eight or more hours and come home to dinner and then watch TV.

Many women leave the house for eight or more hours to work in an office, come home to work some more (fixing dinner, cleaning, taking care of kids) and then go to bed. Where’s the downtime? Everyone needs some time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.
Men who want happy wives and solid relationships can help by ensuring this need is met.

One of the most surprising things to most men is that what women really want from them usually doesn’t cost money – it doesn’t generally take too much time or effort either. What women want from men is a partner they can rely on, talk to, and share with. It’s that simple.


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