Monday, April 11, 2011

Is a Great Relationship Really Possible?

Here are some ideas to help you create and maintain an outstanding relationship... 
1. Know what your values are up front and be honest about them. If you value your job, your hobbies, your relationships with your friends more than a close, connection intimate relationship, then be honest about it. There's nothing wrong with your choices of where you place your values. Just be conscious about where you are placing your priorities in your life and live accordingly. 
2. If you do want to create a long-standing close, connected relationship, then make your relationship a priority in your life. Create your intentions together and follow through with them. Make time and expend the energy to have what you say you are wanting. 
3. The quality of your relationship and the depth of your connection and intimacy is largely dependant upon how open your heart is. When there are challenges between the two of you, practice opening your heart anyway. If you do, you'll find that you spend less time being disconnected and at odds with one another. 
If you want closer and more connected relationships of any kind, it will require you to open your heart, be honest and vulnerable while at the same time maintaining strong boundaries, be courageous and stay open to possibilities. Sound impossible? It isn't.  


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