We've found that unclear communication creates assumptions by one or both people and creates barriers to a connected, healthy relationship. This is true no matter what type of relationship you're in. ****************************** Are you clear in your communication? Here are some questions for you to consider. 1. Are there times when you feel people misunderstand what you are asking them to do or trying to communicate with them? If so, write these scenarios here. 2. Are there times when you feel that you do not understand another person but are not comfortable or don't take the time to clarify the communication between the two of you? If so, write these scenarios here. 3. What could you do to be clearer in your communication with others? How could you ask for clarification when you are unsure of the meaning of what someone else has said? What different words could you use instead of the ones you presently use to make your communication more clear? Write some examples of how you'd like to communicate more clearly. 4. Is there an agreement you can make with yourself and with another person that will help each of you to avoid misunderstandings because of unclear communication, if this is a problem for you? If so, write it here. ****************************** TIPS on creating clear communication: 1. If someone talks to you in a "fuzzy" way, dig deeper and ask one question deeper. Don't assume that you know what he or she means. 2. Be clear in what you are asking someone else to do. If it's a subject that may trigger one or both of you to become defensive, try approaching the subject with the following-"I'd like your help with. . ." or "Here's something that would really make me feel happy. . ." 3. Be aware of your reason (or reasons) for communicating with everyone as much of the time as possible. Be clear in your own mind whether you are trying to give them information, to get them to do something or change something or to connect with them to create a better understanding between the two of you or deepen the relationship. Make sure you know your purpose for communicating. If you don't, you can't expect the other person to know what it is.
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