Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are you soul mates?

Are the two of you soul mates? By understanding
what soul mates truly are, you can live a happier
more fulfilling life.

Defining the soul mate relationship as opposed
to any other kind of relationship is not so hard
once you understand what soul mates are all
about. So few people really know how to go
about doing this, but it’s not as difficult as it

I had a client not too long ago tell me that she
had been with a man for a long time and that
she was positive she was totally in love with
him—and not lust, love—and that she didn’t
know how to tell if he was her soul mate and
if he felt the same. She wanted to know how
she could tell, which is one of the more
common questions I hear.
“I’m in love, but is it the real thing?”
The real thing. Just what is the real
thing and how can you tell?
First of all, if you are in love with someone,
he/she is your soul mate, but just as there
are varying degrees of love, there are
varying kinds of soul mates. It sounded
to me like in this woman’s case, it was the
companion soul mate to whom she was
All companion soul mates, unless they choose
 not to for various reasons, involve intimacy
on different levels. The other two kinds of
soul mates—karmic soul mates and
twin souls—rarely involve sexual relations.
Hard to believe, but it’s true.
As with all companion soul mates, these people
come into your life for a particular reason. Is it
for marriage? Is it to produce offspring?
Only you can determine that as the relationship
gets further along, but one thing is for sure:
he or she is meant to be a part of your life.
No two soul mates come together without
a purpose. That is how you can differentiate
acquaintances you meet in your daily life from
people with whom you share a soul mate bond.

If you are in love, you are in love. You feel it, it makes
 you happy and fulfilled and you want to spend the
rest of your life with this person. A natural thing to
happen to two people who are soul mates.
However, if further down the road, the two soul mates
should part because of differences, that soul mate
was still meant to come into your life.
When two people come together as soul mates, there
is a purpose for them to do so; but when that purpose
has been realized as well as finalized, the two may part
but that is not because they weren’t meant to be a part
of each other’s lives.
It is because their mission together on earth has been
When this happens, the two begin to feel as if they are
drifting apart and they have no idea what is going on.
Their inner self is trying to tell them that there are other
soul mates out there that they need in their life in order
to be complete.
Yes, it may be sad for one or even both partners, but
this is the nature of things, especially if you are just
starting out in life.
You need to go through necessary steps in order to be
complete and it may take one, or it may take several,
soul mates to help you with this, but every last one
of them that come into your life are important, and necessary.
My advice is to: live, love, learn. Live to your
highest expectations, love like there is no tomorrow
and learn what each soul mate that enters into
your life is meant to teach you about life, about yourself,
and about why the two of you were brought
together in the first place.

Once we learn to do this,
we are that much closer to
finding our higher
self and on the road
toward a productive
and happy life.


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